Golden retriever puppies and Clydesdale horses? Consider me sold. Love this commercial and I'm not ashamed to admit I teared up #sorrynotsorry. Here's hoping all this year's Super Bowl commercials are as good as this one.
Super obvious confession: I have been a terrible, terrible blogger lately.
I got wrapped up with work, bridesmaid obligations, my new Skillcrush class (which I'm obsessed with and absolutely enjoying so, so very much!) and completely neglected this little blog. And to my surprise I missed it a whole lot.
When I started blogging I did it as an experiment of sorts, to see if I could let my guard down and share my opinions, interests, and beliefs without completely censoring myself out in fear of alienating someone or seeming weird. I've always been so self conscious and I thought blogging might help with that and help me to become more comfortable with using my voice. I wanted to see if I could navigate blogger, figure out domain names, etc. While I haven't always been the most faithful, or consistent of bloggers I have enjoyed playing around and growing in my little corner of the internet and I don't have any intention of ending Sophisticated Sass' adventure anytime soon.
Till next time,
Anyone else think that 2013 absolutely flew by? I can't believe 2014 is already here but I'm so excited for all the possibilities and opportunities that this new year holds. Feeling especially excited for this year. It seems as if it's going to be a big, important one. A capital letters year if you will.
Because I'm taking some extra time figuring out my resolutions and goals for the year I figured I share some of my favorite things around the web right now.
one. Glitter Guide's Resolutions for 2014
I love this so very much.
two. Headspace's Take10 meditation program.
One of my major goals for this year is to make more time for meditation and yoga. I think meditation has such incredible benefits and I really want to make it a daily practice. Headspace's app is a great starting point if you want to explore meditation and it's only 10 minutes a day which makes it super easy to ease into.
three. What Courtney Wore
I love Courtney's blog and her show on Bravo even more. She's sarcastic and funny and I love her style.
four. Another Glitter Guide shout out. These mantras are perfect jumping off points when reflecting on what you want to get out of this year.
Till next time,